In Dragon Quest 11, marriage becomes an optional feature in the post-game phase. After completing the main storyline, players are tasked with the reconstruction of Cobblestone, turning it into a bustling village. Following this, players must complete the Disciplines Trial. Successful completion of this trial unlocks the option to choose a marriage partner in the game. This guide will detail all the available marriage options in Dragon Quest 11.
Marriage Options In Dragon Quest 11
The marriage feature is only available in Dragon Quest 11. The feature will allow the player to marry their love of life, Gemma. The player will have to provide answers to the following question mentioned below to marry her:
- ‘Do you take Gemma to be your lawfully wedded wife?
- Will you love her as long as you both shall live?
The ceremony will adequately take place in the game. The player will also be given the choice of marrying or staying live-in. However, a proper marriage ceremony is more appropriate than living in sin.
Below is the list of character player can choose to live in within the game despite Gemma:
Character player 1:
Character player 2:
Character player 3:
Character player 4:
Character player 5:
Character player 6:
Character player 7:
Marriage Dialogues in Dragon Quest 11
Below we have mentioned the list of dialogues players will encounter if they stay with someone else except Gemma. These dialogues indicate that the player is not in a marriage with the character and are just partners.
- Erik: I say we hunt it all down, split the take, and retire rich men. Deal?
- Jade: Lucky we’re going to be together for a while then, eh?
- Hendrik: May the bond between us never be broken.
- Veronica: We’ve got the rest of our lives ahead of us, after all! The Amazing Veronica will be with you to the end!
- Rab: I’ll never leave ye all alone like that again, my boy. I promise ye.
- Serena: All you need is I will be the happiest woman in the world as long as I can be by your side.
- Sylvando: We make a great team, you and I! The Gret Sylvando and the even greater Luminary!
Above we updated our player with all the All Marriage Options In Dragon Quest 11.
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